Thank you Joslin families for making READ-A-THON 2023 a tremendous success!

Read-A-Thon 2024!
When: February 12- March 1
Where: Anywhere!
Why: Two reasons- to promote reading during literacy month and to raise money for our school
Goal: $12,000! If every student at Joslin raises just $43, we will reach our goal!
We would be thrilled to fund:
1. New PE Equipment
2. a blackboard for our outdoor classroom
3. a new laminator to replace the broken one we currently have. the laminator is used to create classroom materials.
Please email with any insights into the costs of these projects and attend the February PTA meetings to let your voice be heard!
Q: How do I sign up for the Read-A-Thon?
A: Signing up is easy! Go to . Fill out your student’s name and your email address. Also choose your child's class to add them to their "team". You will receive both a unique URL to share with friends and family as well as a unique URL to “log in”, add a picture of your student, and track reading minutes.
Q: How do I log into
A: You cannot log in to When you sign up, you will receive a unique URL via email that will allow you to track your student’s reading minutes and edit their picture. Don’t lose this email!
Q: How does a Read-A-Thon work?
A: You will sign your student up on From now until March 1, you can collect either a flat donation amount OR a pledge per minute you plan to spend reading (ie. 10 cents/minute). Read as much as you can from February 12 - March 1 and track your minutes on the website. Your student will be able to win prizes based BOTH on reading minutes and also on money raised. At the end of the Read-A-Thon, any donors who have pledged money per minute will be charged based on the minutes logged for your student. Prizes will be awarded weekly as well as at the end of the read-a-thon.
Q: Who can sign up for Joslin’s Read-A-Thon?
A: Any Joslin student.
Q: What are we raising money for?
A: Read-A-Thon has 3 goals this year. To purchase PE Equipment, a blackboard for our outdoor classroom and a new laminator to replace the broken one we currently have.
Q: Is Read-A-Thon replacing our spring raffle?
A: No - we will still have our spring raffle during our Spring Fling dance in April.
Here are some differences:
1. Read-A-Thon is an opportunity to collect donations from friends, family, and neighbors. Spring Raffle is mostly for Joslin Families.
2. Read-A-Thon funds will be allotted specifically for the projects mentioned above. Spring Raffle funds go into the PTA budget to pay for things like teacher grants, teacher appreciation, and student programs like movie night, loteria night, foam party, trail of lights and much more.
Q: Can I log minutes read in class?
A: Use honesty and your best judgment. Minutes read alone during free time could be counted. Minutes read as a class assignment during class or as a group during class should not be counted. Try to count minutes read at home.
Q: Can I log minutes listening to an Audiobook?
A: Use your best judgement. If your student cannot read on their own and this is the only way they can participate, then absolutely! If they can read on their own or follow along with a parent reading, then no. We would like reading minutes to promote literacy.
Q: What if my student can’t read on their own?
A: Minutes read with a parent count or time spent listening to a book read aloud count.
Q: Can donations only be made via
A: We welcome any and all donations towards our goal! Donations to a specific reader can be made via Venmo: @Joslin-PTA or by check dropped off to the front office (include the name of the reader and word “Read-A-Thon” in the memo). Cash, Check and Venmo donations have to be manually entered so we will try our best to allot cash and check donations towards prizes.
Q: What if we don’t have a computer at home to track minutes?
A: Please feel free to use the computers in Joslin’s front office! This year, we are allowing students to fill out paper forms and a volunteer will enter reading minutes on their behalf. Be sure to add your child's teacher's email when you sign up.
Q: If a local business donates to my student, can we give them PTA’s tax ID and put them on our PTA websites?
A: email us!
Q: What happens to the money we raise if we don’t reach our fundraising goal?
A: We will buy the laminator and the blackboard and the rest will go to PE equipment and the amount will change. If we raise so much over the needed PE equipment, we will donate funds to Joslin's library.
Q: Does read-a-thon replace the AISD million minutes reading challenge?
A: No way! The Million Minutes reading challenge is a district-wide challenge set by AISD’s superintendent for AISD students to read one million total minutes. For more information, visit:
Q: Can I still participate in the Austin Library’s Keep Austin Reading Challenge?
A: Of course! Click on the link to register and learn more. Read a different themed book every month to earn a reward.
Q: When is the Book Swap?
A: Book Swap will be during the Talent Show on March 22.
Q: I’d love to get involved! How can I help?
A: We could really use the help! Please email We have so much planned this Spring.. it’s going to be AWESOME!!